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#1: 中国企业在美国股市正迎来空前的信任危机,美国证监会列出了170多个黑名单 (3262 reads) 作者: jjaass12345 文章时间: 2012-1-19 周四, 14:47
作者:jjaass12345海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】

Dear all,
Happy Chinese New Year to all and hope we will have great 2012!
You are cordially invited to join the US-China CEO Association networking and reception event on Jan. 25th 2012 at 6:00pm at the Battery Park City waterfront restaurant, overlooks status of Liberty and Hudson River to celebrate Chinese New Year.
We will invite Chinese public company CEOs and CFOs, public company rep, investors, Wall Street professionals including PE firm, IR firm, PR firm, law firm and accounting firm etc. to join us.
We are going to discuss how at 2012 Chinese public companies survive in the credibility crisis that we are facing on the Wall Street and economic crisis environment in US, find a way to succeed and grow for the Chinese public companies. We are going to exchange idea and advices, protect our rights.
Also we would like to discuss RMB PE structure, if you like to corporate with Chinese PE firm or local government to setup a RMB PE fund, please join us and there are many Chinese PE firm is looking for partner and management team from USA. It will be good opportunity.
When: Jan. 25th 2012 6:00pm – 9:00pm Est.
Where: Kaijou Japanese restaurant, 21 South End Ave, Battery Park City, NY 10280 (Behind World Financial Center)
Contact: 917-512-5181
Who: Chinese public companies, law firm, auditing firm, financial advisor firm, PE firm, IR and PR firm etc related business or investors.

Seats are limited 40 and registration is required to attend. RSVP

Please send email to [email protected] or fax to 212-945-4688.
Or call : 917-512-5181
With the following information: Name, company name, title, email, phone number.
Cost: $40 per person to cover dinner cost, include: Food and Drink. Please pay to restaurant directly.
US-China CEO Association ( )
Chinese Public Company Advisory Committee of US-China CEO Association
Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and Professionals Association (ReturnChina) (
American United Chamber of Commerce
Battery Park Realty
Sponsors by:
United Airline
Kaijou Japanese Cuisine
Golden Bridge Education Inc. ( )

一. 活动背景

目前,中国企业在美国股市正迎来空前的信任危机,美国证监会列出了170多个借壳上市的黑名单,其中大多数是中国企业。仅2011年上半年,已经有18家中国公司被纳斯达克或纽约证券交易所停牌,4家企业被勒令退市,20多家遭受股东集团诉讼,大部分中国公司股票股价低迷。上半年在美国上市的一批中国互联网企业纷纷跌破发行价。本打算7月美国上市的讯雷和盛大文学因投资者反应不佳紧急叫停上市。中国概念股在华尔街遭遇“寒冬季”。 如何应对?以在凛凛寒冬中生存,发展和成功!2000年起近十年的反向并购大辉煌,造就了近400多家OTCBB上市的中国公司。2010年11月,大连绿诺揭开了反向并购大恐慌的序幕。目前在OTCBB上的中国公司,融资困难,股价很低,无法利用资本市场的优势。该类公司可考虑升级纳斯达克新设的BX创业板,纳斯达克主板以及纽交所美国交易所。那么要求和具体如何操作?由中美上市总裁协会及上市公司维权委员会主办的“中国公司在华尔街信任危机中生存和致胜之道交流会及金融人士中秋赏月活动”针对公司的不同情形,提出五大生存和致胜之道,诚邀在美国上市的中国企业的高级管理人员和资本市场参与者齐聚一堂,共商大计,协助中国公司度过华尔街信任寒冬,走向繁荣成功!

同时我们一起在这危机情况下,共同探讨如何发挥我们在每一位的优势,参与中美之间的商业金融活动,也一起在哈德逊河边美丽的KAIJOU 餐馆里赏月和与金融业内人士交流,探索商业机会。

二. 活动安排


地点:Kaijou Japanese restaurant, 21 South End Ave. Battery Park City, NY 10280

Phone: 212-786-9888/917-512-5181 纽约下城炮台公园市


必须报名:请电邮您的姓名,公司名字,职位,电邮和电话到 [email protected]

四. 主办协办单位

中美上市公司总裁协会 ( )

中国留学人员创业协会新泽西分会 (
美国金桥教育( )
五. 感谢赞助商

Kaijou Japanese Cuisine

作者:jjaass12345海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】

海归论坛 -> 海归商务

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