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主题: 这个房子不错,10月底拍卖。带些内衣裤就可以直接入住,嘻嘻
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作者 这个房子不错,10月底拍卖。带些内衣裤就可以直接入住,嘻嘻   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 院士
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/11/05
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文章标题: 这个房子不错,10月底拍卖。带些内衣裤就可以直接入住,嘻嘻 (3571 reads)      时间: 2011-9-03 周六, 00:08   

作者:ceo/cfo海外房地产 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

A Winnetka, Ill., estate that is listed for $32 million comes up for auction this fall with no minimum reserve.

The property is owned by Deborah Jarol, who said she is selling because her children are now grown. Ms. Jarol said she and her husband, a real-estate investor, spent nearly five years building the 27,000-square-foot, six-bedroom home, which is situated on 2½ acres and was completed in 2008. Architect Richard Landry modeled it after Château Villandry in France. Ms. Jarol said the house cost about $40 million to build and furnish. (Furniture and art are included with the sale.)

The home has hand-scraped walnut floors, reclaimed stones from a chateau in France in the wine cellar and ornate Venetian plaster walls throughout. The home has a swimming pool, a home spa with fireplace and beauty parlor, and a large in-home theater.

"The whole thing was fun for us [to build] and it's a one-of-a-kind thing," said Ms. Jarol.

The auction will take place Oct. 29 at the home, which is about 20 minutes from downtown Chicago. Sarena Irwin from Concierge Auctions is managing the sale. Tim Salm of Sotheby's Jameson International is the listing agent.

作者:ceo/cfo海外房地产 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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