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主题: 祝海归论坛所有朋友圣诞、新年快乐!!!
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作者 祝海归论坛所有朋友圣诞、新年快乐!!!   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女
加入时间: 2004/02/24
文章: 3573
来自: 美国
海归分: 411670

文章标题: 祝海归论坛所有朋友圣诞、新年快乐!!! (1599 reads)      时间: 2003-12-22 周一, 23:26   

作者:孤枕难眠海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
A rose to show how much
we care each other at
Wish 海归论坛
to be the #1 place for returnee:
friednly, trustful, and practical.

light a candle
for the old man who sits staring
out a frosty windowpane

light a candle
for the woman who is lonely
and every Christmas is the same

for the children who need
more then presents can bring

light a candle
light the dark
light the world
light a heart or two
light a candle for me
I'll light a candle for you

light a candle
for the homeless and the hungry
a little shelter from the cold

light a candle
for the broken and forgotten
may the season warm their souls

can we open our hearts
to shine through the dark

light a candle
light the dark
light the world
light a heart or two
light a candle for me
I'll light a candle for you

and in this special time of year
may peace on earth surround us here
and teach us there's a better way to live
and with every (every) flame that burns
we must somehow learn
that love's the greatest gift
that we could ever give.....

light a candle
light the dark
(light the world)
light the world
light a heart or two
light a candle for me
i'll light a candle for you (I will)
light a candle (oh, I will)
light the dark ( because everybody needs a light)
light the world (ohhh)
light a heart or two
light a candle for me (you know I will)
I'll light a candle for you(you can light a candle)
light candle for me
I'll light a candle for you
(i will)
light a
light a candle for me
I'll light a candle for you

作者:孤枕难眠海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

永远的乐园。。。祝海归网所有的朋友们新年好。。。 海归论坛 2006-12-25 周一, 20:35
【温馨圣诞】xl彩虹送上【山茶花】祝朋友们圣诞和新年快乐!! 流行歌曲 2011-12-25 周日, 00:35
[原创]祝所有朋友圣诞快乐!!!我的SAX《雪绒花》送给你们~~ 生活风情 2008-12-25 周四, 18:51
【圣诞新年】 【O Holy Night】 万方 祝各位网友圣诞新年愉快! 高山流水 2014-12-23 周二, 04:51
学唱《让爱长留人间》- 电影【德黑兰43年】(苏、法、瑞合拍) 主题曲. ... 高山流水 2014-12-22 周一, 01:43
[贴图] [卡拉OK] 祝大家圣诞,新年快乐! 海归风情 2006-12-23 周六, 17:10
酒吧的朋友圣诞节/新年期间都去那里玩?有没有想去LV的? 海归酒吧 2006-11-23 周四, 11:03
一个人过节的朋友--“圣诞结” 海归酒吧 2004-12-25 周六, 05:34

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