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主题: 一位英国朋友在中国投资的十点体会
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作者 一位英国朋友在中国投资的十点体会   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2005/06/17
文章: 162
来自: uk
海归分: 22741

文章标题: 一位英国朋友在中国投资的十点体会 (3201 reads)      时间: 2005-7-06 周三, 17:29   

作者:猪八戒海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Some thoughts on doing business in China……

1) In Japan, it takes a long time to negotiate a contract, but when it is signed, it is virtually fixed in stone. In China, it may take a short time, or a long time, to negotiate a contract. When it is signed, it is the beginning of further negotiations.

2) When the foreign company is setting up its China operation, it should think about the market, not what is convenient for the organisation. Too often, China is divided into “North China”, run out of Tokyo, and “South China”, run out of Hong Kong. However, the market for many products is organised like this: 3 main cities, (Beijing, its political heart, Shanghai, its commercial heart and Guangzhou, its industrial heart), then the coastal provinces, and then the inland provinces. The organisation should organise itself to meet the market.

3) A key point is, if the goal is to sell to the China market, the product must meet local requirements. Even in products such as bicycles (which the mainland produces in excess of demand), money can be made with the right product (e.g. mountain bikes).

4) If in your negotiations, you meet a Chinese who is not very well dressed, has a bad haircut, seems brusque, speaks no English and sits at the back of the room, do not assume that he has no authority. He may be the most important person in the room!

5) The 3 P’s continue to be the key to successful dealing in China, PATIENCE, PERSISTANCE and PERSPIRATION.

6) Ben Franklin said, “Haste makes waste”. In China, an important message is “Haste will make it more expensive for the foreign party”.

7) One word, LISTEN. Listen to what the Chinese side says. Listen carefully and you will learn their objectives, where they are flexible or not. Do not try to impress the Chinese with how much you know or who you are. Talk half as much, and listen twice as well.

Cool China is full of inconsistencies. Two examples. It is a classless society, yet it is very hierarchical, with much attention being paid to titles, seating at banquets and “face”. In China, everything is a “secret” and subject to unpublished “internal” regulations that can’t be shown to the foreign party. At the same time, there are no secrets in China. Truly.

9) Do not take anything at face value. There is almost always a hidden agenda.

10) At the core, if a deal makes economic sense for the Chinese, they will ensure that the deal gets done. If it is a transaction based on non-economic factors, somewhere in the approval process it is likely to be killed.

作者:猪八戒海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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